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High School Photo Gallery
End of Year Sea Cadet Ceremony Honoring Seniors
7th Graders Visit the High School
Glenn Foerd Summer Program 2021
Softball and Baseball Teams - Division Championships
Hannah Madjeski participates in City-wide Carver Science Fair !
Highest Four Year Improvement - College and Career Readiness
Boys Basketball Varsity Winners - Game 1
Cadets visit River Services at Navy Yard thanks to Board Chairman Capt. Scott Cointot and Chief Hentnick.
11th grade visiting the Jewish American Museum and the Ruth Bader Ginsberg exhibit
Sea Cadets during a safety water drill
Temple University Law Professor Little provides lively presentation on the US Constitution to our cadets.
Cadets visit US Marine Merchant Academy
High School Cadets Ready to Recruit at the High School Fair
9th graders working to make the garden beautiful
High school cadets at Boot Camp at Cape May US coast guard site.
Instagram Post by "hiddencityphila" highlighting the arched entryway of the High School