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Special Education

Maritime Academy Charter School (MACS) ensures that all students with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disabilities, who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated (22 Pa. Code § 711.21).

MACS is required by the IDEA to provide a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”) to children with disabilities who need special education and related services. School age children who need special education and related services are identified as children with disabilities. These students have been identified as needing specially designed instruction and have one or more of the following disabilities:  

  • Autism  
  • Intellectual Disability  
  • Specific Learning Disability  
  • Deaf-Blindness  
  • Deafness 
  • Multiple Disabilities  
  • Speech or Language Impairment  
  • Emotional Disturbance  
  • Orthopedic Impairment  
  • Traumatic Brain Injury  
  • Hearing Impairment 
  • Other Health Impairment  
  • Visual Impairment, including Blindness  

MACS provides appropriate special education programs and related services that are:  Provided at no cost to parents; Provided under the authority of a school entity, directly, by referral or by contract; Individualized to meet the educational needs of the students; and Reasonably calculated to yield meaningful educational benefit and progress and designed to conform to an Individualized Education Program (“IEP”).  

Special education is designed to meet the needs of each eligible student, including specifically designed instruction conducted in the classroom, home, community settings, hospitals, institutions, and other settings.  

Related services are available to students including transportation and other supportive services that help an eligible student benefit from special education. Examples include speech pathology and audiology, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, social work services, school health services, medical services for diagnosis or evaluation, parent counseling and education, recreation counseling services, rehabilitation counseling services, and assistive technology services. 

MACS has procedures to identify students needing special education. Those procedures are “screening” and “evaluation.” If a student is suspected of having a disability, teachers and other school personnel or parents may refer the student for a screening and/or evaluation. Parents concerned that their child may have a disability and need special education can request a screening or evaluation at any time by contacting the Director of Specialized Services or by providing a written request to a school official. 

All special education documentation and policies are available upon request from both the Elementary School and the High School locations. Any questions regarding these documents can be directed to the Director of Specialized Services.


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